Introducing Hellbot
This is the story of Hellbot.
- 06/23/2012: I create a Twitch Account. A life-long love of livestreaming begins.
- 02/12/2014: TwitchPlaysPokemon revolutionizes livestream interaction. Also by now my friends have heard about Twitch and I’m not a giant weirdo.
- 12/14/2022: Nothing, Forever demonstrates the power of Generative AI to create incredible stupidity at scale
- 03/04/2023: Hellbot first takes shape as a simple Twitch Bot
- 10/07/2023: I finally bother to put Hellbot on Github version control. Sheesh.
- 11/06/2023: A website for Hellbot. This website!
- ??/??/????: Hellbot becomes self-aware and goes on a rampage. There are no survivors.
Honestly, most of the story is in the About section of the website. But I might do some blog-style write ups here.
You’ll see posts courtesy of Hellbot pop up here as well as any channel rewards you might have claimed.